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At Michigan College Access Network, we support college access through several statewide initiatives. We aim to help students in Michigan access and attain postsecondary certificates and college degrees—the foundation for success in a knowledge-based economy—so that they can achieve a lifetime of their own goals, both economically and intellectually. Each of our initiatives works to achieve at least one of four priorities; college affordability, credential completion, college-going culture, and pathways and transitions. We serve as the lead implementation partner on the following initiatives.

The goal of the AdviseMI is to increase the number of high school students who enter and complete postsecondary education.

Focused on increasing college preparedness and success, CBMI combines three unique initiatives to engage students throughout the academic year on their college-going journey. MCAN provides ongoing technical assistance and resources to support efforts.

MCAN’s College Completion Corps places AmeriCorps members on partner college campuses across Michigan. Each coach serves a campus-defined cohort of 100-150 students who are first-generation, low-income and/or students of color.

The Community Ambassador program partners with local organizations and college access professionals in communities lacking an LCAN with the goal of increasing engagement and reach within the communities for college access and enrollment.

MCAN must quickly and effectively invest $1 million in funding for summer FAFSA completion efforts across the state.

Local College Access Networks (LCANs) are community-based college access alliances supported by a team of community and education leaders representing K-12, higher education, the nonprofit sector, government, business, and philanthropy.

A tuition-free path for Michigan residents who hold immigration statuses that prevent them from accessing federal financial aid, administered by Michigan College Access Network.

A collaboration between MCAN and Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals designed to create a pipeline of future principals who are equity-minded, transformative leaders who will advance postsecondary educational access and success.

Launched in partnership with the Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential and the Office of Sixty by 30, the Retired Educator FAFSA Specialist (REFS) program aims to boost FAFSA completion and college enrollment among adult learners aged 21-24 in Michigan’s community and tribal colleges.

This initiative highlights in-demand, high-wage careers in Michigan offering entry-level and ongoing educational opportunities that could increase student's potential for growth, promotion, and higher wages over time.

This program is an advanced school counselor leadership, peer consultation, and professional development training designed to provide a cohort of experienced school counselors an opportunity to strengthen school counselor leadership practices.

With the help of internal and external certified educators and support from the Michigan State University College of Education, MCAN has developed a College Planning Course for students.