Real change means taking action. MCAN works to align leaders and advocates from government, education, and workforce sectors to make far-reaching impacts across Michigan. We continuously communicate the significance of our goal to key policymakers, and we help students and communities by supporting bipartisan legislative solutions to college access and success barriers.
The Michigan Consortium for Higher Education in Prison, or MiCHEP, was established to improve the lives of incarcerated people by preparing them to successfully reenter society through opportunities to earn college degrees and certificates.
Communicating with your state representative and state senator are important efforts to advocate for college access. Use the links below to locate your legislators:
Whether you sign on as a funder or simply sign on to join the movement, MCAN’s supporters help expand our network and empower the next generation of Michiganders. Explore how you can take the next step.
During College Access Advocacy Day, more than 100 people from across the state attend meetings with legislators to rally around postsecondary access and attainment in support of Sixty by 30 and other key priorities. The event is open to anyone who has a passion for college access and postsecondary attainment.
Explore Legislative Briefs to explore college readiness and success data for every House and Senate District in Michigan.