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University Prep Schools director of post-secondary honored with Professional of the Year Award

Schools and organizations across the state work to boost college applications among high school seniors.

Hundreds of Michigan high schools will work to increase the number of students applying for college throughout October

Funding supports college access activities at 97 sites across the state

ASPIRE grants provide funding to assess, improve college-going culture in schools

MCAN kicked off Michigan College Month on Oct. 1, with 233 schools and community-based organizations participating statewide. The goal of this month is to provide every graduating senior in Michigan the opportunity to apply to college.

Funding is dedicated to increasing FAFSA completion rate for class of 2022

Funded projects include a range of initiatives to increase access and support students as they transition to postsecondary education.

National campaign encourages students to apply for college by supporting local application completion events

Dash for Cash initiative rewards 21 high schools for increased FAFSA completion rates