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MCAN Executive Director Ryan Fewins-Bliss testified in front of the Michigan Senate Committee on Education in support of Senate Bill 463, which would establish FAFSA completion as a high school graduation requirement.

Earlier today, MCAN Deputy Director Jamie Jacobs testified in front of the Michigan Senate Appropriations Committee in support of Senate Bill 350, which would give Michigan’s Promise Zones more flexibility to address students’ financial needs.

Program offers advanced training in leadership, advocacy for Michigan school counselors

AmeriCorps program increases college access in communities with low college-going rates

AmeriCorps program increases college access in communities with low college-going rates

Yesterday, in Washington, D.C., Rep. Haley Stevens (MI-11) introduced a bill titled the Alleviating Intergenerational Debt (AID) Act. This legislation would amend the Student Aid Index formula to include outstanding parental student loan debt.

Funds will support FAFSA completion efforts and communication highlighting the value of college

Legislators passed the $560 million scholarship program, marking a historic investment in addressing the barrier of college affordability in Michigan.

MCAN is encouraged by the announcement of President Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan and the progress that it makes in addressing the persistent and widespread problem of postsecondary affordability.

Funding is dedicated to increasing FAFSA completion rate for class of 2022