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Residents across Michigan must believe college is very important to succeed in the labor market. In every high school across the state, professionals should support this belief and help all students define and achieve their postsecondary goals.

To raise Michigan's educational attainment rate, Michigan citizens must understand, value, and believe in both the private and public value of postsecondary educational attainment. In this way, the belief that college is attainable is a type of culture: an underlying value, belief, and meaning that is deeply held, static, and enduring. When students have school, parental, and community support for attending college, college is seen as the norm. This makes higher education as the expectation, rather than the exception. 

MCAN has a long history of fostering a college-going culture by advocating for policies that support college access; supporting funding for higher education; increasing student financial aid; and expanding training requirements for school counselors. We also coordinate College Decision Day with high schools statewide to promote the importance of college and celebrate students’ academic achievements. By emphasizing the importance of attending college in order to compete in the 21st century global economy, we aim to spread a strong college-going culture across the state.