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As AmeriCorps Celebrates 30 years of impact during AmeriCorps Week 2024, MCAN is reflecting on what service has meant to the Sixty by 30 movement in Michigan.

For many students and families, the road to “success” has been described the same way for decades — graduate high school, go to college, and obtain a degree. However, the landscape of higher education is constantly changing.

College Completion Corps coach Cheyenne La March talks about using her experiences as a student at Bay College to connect with others and help them succeed.

Kate Grove, MCAN's resource and engagement VISTA, discusses how transfer students factor into recent enrollment declines and reflects on the supports that helped her successfully transfer from a community college to a 4-year institution.


Kyle Kelly, a College Completion Corps coach serving at Bay College, offered to share how his experience navigating the college experience as a disabled person is helping him assist others.

One of the most important things schools, community-based programs, and everyone involved in advising a student can do is to make sure they wind up at the right postsecondary institution for them in the first place.

Kyle Kelly, a College Completion Corps coach at Bay College, shares some perspectives on being an ally to LGBTQIA students.

Sixty by 30 is a bold goal, but it wasn’t chosen for the sake of boldness. It was chosen because that is what Michigan needs to be a prosperous state that can compete in a knowledge-based economy.

College Completion Corps alum Summer Madrid reflects on her service year and how it helped her find a career in student success.

This blog discusses how the Michigan Power Futbol Academy in Grand Rapids, Michigan prepares young adults for college.